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We all know what makes us comfortable living in our homes. But when preparing a home to go on the market, belongings and arrangement should change a bit. While on a recent get-a-away with a couple of great friends, who's home could rival any interior design product, the husband said it better than I'd ever heard before: "Every home needs something to talk about." I couldn't agree more. When I think of how my clients refer to homes they've seen and ruled out, usually it's "the house that smells like cat urine" or "the house with the broken window". Ironically, it goes both ways. Setting a focal point, something different and unexpected, not only gives buyers something to remember but it almost always helps a room to photograph at it's best. So the next time you are arranging a room, try simplifying by giving each space something to talk about.
For a complimentary, in home consultation on how to prepare your home for the real estate market,  Simply call 425.876.7916